“Nevermore call a friend’s cellphone and turn it off to wait to call back.”
“Nunca mais dê um toque no celular do amigo e desligue para ele ligar de volta.”

HSBC – Never more

Role: Design

Some set design concepts for a HSBC bank campaign “Never More”. The script illustrates some situations you would never repeat if you won one of the bank lotteries.

The idea of the project was to construct the props with unexpected materials, using the deconstruction and exploration of these materials to create unusual moods and transitions.

HSBC – Never more

Role: Design

Some set design concepts for an HSBC bank campaign, “Never More.” The script illustrates some situations you would never repeat if you won one of the bank lotteries.

The idea of the project was to construct the props with unexpected materials, using the deconstruction and exploration of these materials to create unusual moods and transitions.

Never more use a steel wool to improve the TV signal.
Nunca mais usar palha de aço para melhorar o sinal da TV.

Never more put water in the bottle of juice to dilute remnant juice
Nunca mais coloque água na garrafa de suco para aproveitar o restinho.

Never more use 1-ply toilet paper
Nunca mais use papel higiênico de folha simples.

Never more dry clothes behind the fridge.

Nunca mais seque roupa atras da geladeira.

Never more go dutch, counting the expenses of each participants.
Nunca mais divida a conta do restaurante contando o que cada um comeu.

Never more take a shower using flip flops to prevent get a shock.
Nunca mais tome banho de chinelo para não tomar choque.

Never more use all marked paper caused by failed ballpoint pen.
Nunca mais usar papel todo marcado por várias canetas esferográficas falhas.

Never more use clothes peg to close a package of biscuit.
Nunca mais use grampo de roupa para fechar pacote de biscoito.

Never more take up the hem with masking tape
Nunca mais faça a barra da calça com fita crepe.
Never more use the ice-cream pack to store feijão (Brazilian beans)
Nunca mais usar pote de sorvete para armazenar feijão no congelador.